Steps to be Followed-up for Successfully submission of Application Forms
Main Part
Information to be completed
- All basic Information to be submitted by all Applicant as per Registration Form
- This Form is to confirm the validity and eligibility of Applicant as per qualification
and age under different categories
- All Applicants are required to submit Declaration for Registration submitting that,
“all information filled in the Registration Form is correct to the best of her/his
knowledge and once it is submitted for Registration, her/his will not be able to
change any information”.
- All Applicants should Note their Auto generated Registration Number for future reference.
Once the Registration Form is submitted, Applicant will not be able to change any
Application Form
- Applicant to Login with enrollment No. generated at the time of his/her Registration
- Password will be the Date of Birth of each Candidate, as filled in the Registration
- Basis information of the Applicant will available in the Application Form as filled
at the time of Registration
- All personal information, Academic qualification(s) and credential(s) are to be
filled by each Applicant compulsorily.
Application Form is required to be filled completely, otherwise Applicant will not
be able to submit it successfully
Uploading of Photo & Signature
- Applicants are advised to keep ready scanned copy of their Photo and signature,
as per above given instructions
- Photo, signature and thumb are required to be uploaded compulsorily by each Applicant
Uploading of Photo , Signature and Thumb is compulsory, otherwise Application Form
will not be considered and it will be rejected without any further information
Uploading of Documents
- Applicants are advised to keep ready scanned copy of their all documents, as per
above given instructions
- All relevant documents are required to be uploaded compulsorily by each Applicant
- All applicants are required to submit their Declaration Compulsorily after
Once the Registration Form is submitted, Applicant will not be able to change any
Printout of the Filled Application Forms
- All Applicants should take print-out of their filled Application Form for future